Become A Little Red Hen Patron!
Little Red Hen patrons receive FREE TICKETS to our three main stage productions and our annual patron special. They also receive access to our box office for reservations and purchases prior to the general public for all of our offerings. A portion of each patronage is considered a charitable tax deduction.
SIX (6) tickets to each play production
Discounted tickets to special eventsl
Early access to Box Office and Reservations for ALL OFFERINGS, including educational programming
Recognition in all printed programs
FOUR (4) tickets to each play production
Discounted tickets to special eventsl
Early access to Box Office and Reservations for ALL OFFERINGS, including educational programming
Recognition in all printed programs
TWO (2) tickets to each play production
Discounted tickets to special eventsl
Early access to Box Office and Reservations for ALL OFFERINGS, including educational programming
Recognition in all printed programs
ONE (1) ticket to each play production
Discounted tickets to special eventsl
Early access to Box Office and Reservations for ALL OFFERINGS, including educational programming
Recognition in all printed programs
The Little Red Hen theatre relies upon the contributions of its patrons to present our varied offerings.  Your patronage goes directly to support all of our production costs for the current season.Â
We appreciate your investment in the local arts!